Tool shed at the Colman Park P-Patch September 2012
Colman Park P-Patch September 2012
Colman Park P-Patch September 2012
Colman Park P-Patch September 2012
Colman Park P-Patch September 2012
Although the Colman Park P-Patch is fairly large, it is only a small part of beautiful Colman Park, itself only a very small part of the grand & venerable Olmsted Legacy in Seattle & other cities in the United States & Canada. The p-patch fills the broad ravine at the top of the park, near 31st Avenue S. Access to the p-patch is most easily gained from 32nd Avenue S, where it dead-ends into Colman Park, just south of S Massachusetts Street. This is one of the most lovely settings for a p-patch in Seattle, surrounded by trees & sloping toward Lake Washington in broad terraces. It was once a Department of Parks & Recreation nursery. There are 47 plots here on 14,000 square feet of land owned by the Seattle Department of Parks & Recreation. The Colman Park P-Patch was established in 1974. You can walk from here to the excellent Bradner Gardens Park P-Patch, which is very different, but equally worthy.
Although the Colman Park P-Patch is fairly large, it is only a small part of beautiful Colman Park, itself only a very small part of the grand & venerable Olmsted Legacy in Seattle & other cities in the United States & Canada. The p-patch fills the broad ravine at the top of the park, near 31st Avenue S. Access to the p-patch is most easily gained from 32nd Avenue S, where it dead-ends into Colman Park, just south of S Massachusetts Street. This is one of the most lovely settings for a p-patch in Seattle, surrounded by trees & sloping toward Lake Washington in broad terraces. It was once a Department of Parks & Recreation nursery. There are 47 plots here on 14,000 square feet of land owned by the Seattle Department of Parks & Recreation. The Colman Park P-Patch was established in 1974. You can walk from here to the excellent Bradner Gardens Park P-Patch, which is very different, but equally worthy.