This blog began in 2008 as Metropolitan Gardens to provide information on gardening in Seattle & places like it. Click on Gardening in Cascadia. The blog expanded to include Parks P-Patches Public Gardens in the US, Canada & Europe. Then Nature was added. (The difference between nature & gardens is intent. Nature happens. Gardens are planned.) Many recent posts are not about Seattle, or even Cascadia. They are Urban Landscape: streetscape & architecture. Cascadia is the region including the Cascade Mountains of Washington & Oregon. If you want to contact the blogger, leave a message in comments. Comments are moderated & private messages will not be posted.
The city of Seattle rests between 2 bodies of water: Puget Sound & Lake Washington. Puget Sound is a substantial part of the Salish Sea & a very small part of the Pacific Ocean. The Salish Sea is set apart from the Pacific by the Olympic Peninsula in the state of Washington & Vancouver Island in the province of British Columbia. The dense, wet clouds of the Pacific Ocean travel as far as the Cascade Mountains, near the Salish Sea & not very far from the ocean. East of the Cascades lies the desert of the Columbia Basin. The moist, temperate climate of Seattle extends south to northern California & north to southeastern Alaska. The Pacific Northwest Coast from San Francisco Bay to Cook Inlet shares a flora dominated by evergreen coniferous forest. The central portion, west of the Cascade Mountains, is called Cascadia. The climate is cool & wet from fall to spring, warm & dry in summer. The Olympic Mountains block Seattle from much of the Pacific rainfall. Seattle is drier than the Atlantic coast of North America & northern Europe, cooler in summer & warmer in winter. It lies near the latitude of Paris & Quebec City.
The Carhart Garden, during the '24 Garden Fling
For some this was the first garden of the 2024 Garden Fling, but for me
(and those on the same bus) it was the second garden we visited. There was
Arroz à andaluza
É sabido que as plantas do género Sedum — várias delas conhecidas, por
causa da folhagem miúda e do tipo de habitat que preferem, como
arroz-dos-muros ou a...
Of Weeds And Wonder
A weedy mess can host a wonderment of life Finding Life Amid Loss Are you
hurting? I’m hurting too. In recent weeks a dear friend died suddenly, as
his fam...
Are Gardens just for Gardeners?
Do you visit art galleries and museums? Do you enjoy theatre and concerts?
Hauser and Wirth – art gallery and Oudolf Gardens As a garden writer and
garden ...
Arab Baths in Palma de Mallorca
Whilst visiting Palma on the island of Mallorca, we had a visit to the
Arab Baths in the old town. Dating to 10th or 11th century, these are the
only a...
Suave Inverno
*Helleborus x hybridus* 'Harvington Yellow Speckled'
De repente os* Helleborus* de novo, as *Galanthus* e os* Narcissus*...o
Inverno. Ameno, sem brutali...
Wednesday Vignette -- The Lurie Garden in June
Way back in June 2019 I visited Chicago for one day and visited the Lurie
Garden, a bucket list item for me. I deliberately chose early June because
I knew...
2019 Chelsea Flower Show Garden Designs
While admiring the 2019 Chelsea Flower Show, I thought of a name for an
emerging style of garden design. The primary characteristic of the Belief
Style is...
Dutch garden and landscape travels
Well here we are. Another slightly lonely night in the camper van. I'm
trundling around The Netherlands researching a possible book on
contemporary Dutc...
Terrain at Styers
On ne présente plus la jardinerie Terrain dont le concept m'a toujours
enchantée : un mix parfait entre jardinerie et salle de réception.
I don't...
Quoi de neuf au jardin ?
Que le temps passe vite, déjà un mois que je n'ai rien publié ! J'ai
attendu le printemps avec impatience tellement la météo était capricieuse
et maintena...
Two Views from the Garden Room
The Blue Bench Terrace as seen from the French Doors in the Garden Room and
the Lower Border from out a window in the Garden Room.
Grounded Design has moved!
Grounded Design is moving from Blogger to Squarespace. You can find the new
blog site at:
I hope to soon transfer the domain www.grou...
Water service interruption near 20th and Hanford
Seattle Public Utilities tells us: Drinking water service will be shut off
to about 100 residential customers in the vicinity of 20th Avenue South and
I'm still here!
Every so often I get an email or a message on Facebook wondering if
everything is okay. It's nice to know people still check here! I'm still
here and thi...
Two Roses
After taking first birthday photos of Ruby and Charlee four days ago (one
of which tops the post I wrote earlier tonight), I realized I had been
oblivious ...
Effervescence de fin d'hiver
De retour d'un projet dans le sud italien avec beaucoup de matériau
Place aux projets parisiens, imprégnés de cet esprit du Sud, de cette...
#400: Terminal 102 Park
Location: West Seattle
Address: 1001 Klickitat Way S.W.
Acreage: 1.2
I love the location of this Port of Seattle park between West Seatt...
11 years ago
Sunset Western Garden Book
Highly Recommended for Western United States Gardeners
Low Maintenance
Sunset Low-Maintenance Gardening
Botanical Latin
Stearn's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners
Trees and Shrubs
The Hillier Gardeners Guide to Trees & Shrubs
The Random House Book of Shrubs
North American Natives
Native Trees, Shrubs & Vines
A Guide to Species, Hybrids and Allied Genera
Viburnums: Flowering Shrubs for Every Season
Northwest Native Plants
Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast
Northwest Native Wildflowers
Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest
Northwest Native Insects
Insects of the Pacific Northwest
The Random House Book of Perennials Volume 1: Early Perennials
The Random House Book of Perennials Volume 2: Late Perennials
The Random House Book of Bulbs
North American Native Bulbs
Bulbs of North America
Daffodils for North American Gardens
Tulipa: A Photographer's Botanical
Euphorbias: A Gardeners' Guide
Ferns for American Gardens
The Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grasses
The Genus Paeonia
Use the catalogs listed below to order uncommon & hard-to-find plants appropriate for the Pacific Northwest. Click on the image of the catalog to be linked to the website.
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