
Friday, August 2, 2013

Bradner Gardens Plot B29B

Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi'. June 2013

'Vates' Collards. June 2013

 'Speedy' Bush Beans & Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver'. July 2013

Lilium auratum. July 2013

Clematis integrifolia. July 2013

Penstemon x mexicali. July 2013.

June & July at plot B29B were occupied mostly with weeding & watering.  I watered once a week in June.  But then in July I noticed that the vegetable plants in the other plots were many times the size of mine.  I started watering twice a week.  There was faster growth then, but my plants still lagged behind.  In June, the daikon (Asian radish) flowered without producing edible radishes.  I pulled them all out.  I was told I could eat the greens, but they were unappealing to me.  Toward the end of June I had my 1st harvest, which consisted of 11 green beans.  I cooked & ate them.  In July, a week later, I had many more beans, enough as a side dish for 2 people.  There were also 5 sizeable & very tasty 'Merida' carrots.  For the following 2 weeks, I had beans & 'Perpetual' chard. Flowers had been abundant earlier in the spring.  They petered out in June, when the daylilies stopped blooming.  The flowers of early summer were less bountiful.  Clematis integrifolia, Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver', Lilium auratum & Penstemon x mexicali bloomed in July.

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