
Friday, October 26, 2012

My Next Garden

Sanguinaria canadensis 'Multiplex' April 2009

Saruma henryi April 2010

Tulipa 'Little Princess' April 2010
Erigeron glaucus May 2010

 Iris douglasiana May 2009

My next garden will be perfect.  There will be no weeds.  Nothing will die, or get ugly, or grow too big, or disappoint me in any way.  My next garden will not be too much work.  It will be smaller.  It will be perfectly planned.  It won't need much water.  Perennials will not fall over.  There will be no diseases, or troublesome insects, or stray dogs.  When I go out in my new garden, I will have only positive feelings, inspired by the beauty around me.  I will plant only plants I truly love.  Of the thousands of plants I grew in my old garden, I will choose from the 150 listed below.

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