
Friday, March 4, 2011

February Garden Pictures & Bloom Times

 Erica x darleyensis 'Mary Ellen' February 2011
Euphorbia rigida & Yucca filimentosa 'Bright Edge' February 2011

Helleborus lividus February 2011

Helleborus x sternii February 2011

 Tulipa turkestanica & Sedum palmeri February 2011

Below is a list of plants that began to bloom in my garden in Seattle in February 2011. I recorded the date when the 1st flower opened, not when they were in bud. I think this information is helpful in planning your garden. If you have nothing that blooms in February, you can find plants from this list.  Nurseries in Seattle usually sell them when they are in bloom. I have included dates from previous years. Weather conditions probably account for most of the difference in bloom times.  The weather in February 2010 was very different from the weather this year.  It was exceptionally warm.  Many plants bloomed in February that normally bloom in March.  February 2011 started out fairly warm, then became colder, then very cold after a snowfall on the 24th, when temperatures at night were well below freezing.

02-02-11  Crocus sieberi ‘Firefly’  2-06-10, 2-20-09, 2-20-08
02-02-11  Helleborus argutifolius  1-31-10, 2-14-09, 02-10-08
02-02-11  Mahonia mairei  1-20-10, 2-14-09, 1-29-08
02-07-11  Helleborus x sternii  2-04-10, 2-05-09, 2-20-08
02-13-11  Crocus tommasinianus  2-11-10, 2-19-09, 2-20-08
02-17-11  Narcissus ‘Tete-a-Tete’  2-07-10, 2-27-09, 2-28-08
02-24-11  Helleborus lividus  2-14-10, 2-20-08
02-25-11  Azara microphylla


  1. I'm always amazed by strength of these plants. They are beautiful and they keep blooming even after being under the snow. Nice pictures!

  2. Its great to see the early blooming flowers of February, letting us know that Spring is not so far off.
