
Friday, February 18, 2011

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden

 Outside the 1. China Maple Hall.  Numbers correspond to the map below.

2. China Maple Hall Courtyard & moon gate in the 4. Double Corridor

Bridge between islands.  The pebbles used for paving were brought from China.

3. Ting.  'High on a pile of weathered rocks, emulating a mountain, sits an elegant pavilion representing humans in their natural setting.'


 6. Jade Water Pavilion.  'Pitted & convoluted Tai Hu limestone rocks from Lake Tai near Suzhou are highly prized.  The pine symbolizes strength because it can grow in treacherous conditions.'

 Two arrangements from inside the 8. Scholar's Study.

8. Scholar's Courtyard

On 11-25-10, Rusty & I drove from Seattle to snowy Vancouver, British Columbia.  On the following rainy day, we found remnant patches of snow in the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden.  I thought it was stunning.  Rusty likes plants, but isn't a great garden enthusiast.  He said, 'This doesn't look like a garden.  There are so few plants.'  I replied, 'Gardens can be about pavement & structures.  Ask any landscape architect.'  The classical Chinese scholar's garden consists of 4 main elements & represents the Daoist philosophy of yin & yang.  1. Architecture is Ming dynasty classical design.  A main hall is a tang (yin).  A pavilion or gazebo is a ting (yang).  2. Rocks reflect rugged landscapes.  3. Plants are selected for symbolic value: willow for feminine grace, winter-flowering plum for renewal, pine for strength, bamboo for quiet resilience.  4. Water creates a tranquil atmosphere.  The garden was constructed by a 52-member team of experts from Suzhou.  It opened in 1986.
Map of the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden


  1. Wonderful pictures! We have a Japanese garden close by too, and it was fascinating to see similarities in their garden design (of which I know very little). I love the path, and the water pavillion and that convoluted stone. Thank you for posting about such a beautiful garden.

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing this garden in July. It looks wonderful even with a touch of winter. Great shots.

  3. Love the snow in the scholar's courtyard. Looks good with the white walls.

  4. Oh, I really have to visit this garden next time I'm in Vancouver. Thanks for these awesome pics of this amazing garden. I can only hope our Seattle Chinese Garden can gain the same attention and authenticity.

  5. Hello Jordan,found your site again, at last, I will keep it in my favourites this time. The gardens in Vancouver, absolutely fabulous. In spite of my Summer garden being a bit of a colour kaleidoscope, I really do agree that a garden can be beautiful in many other ways. Your site is something to aspire to.

  6. Gorgeous photos, thank you! We are always in awe of the incredible ways people experience our Garden.

    This year is our 25th birthday, lots more festivals & evening events lined up, really looking forward to having all of you come by!

    Feel free to connect with us on Facebook & Twitter as well:

  7. Thanks to everyone for your comments. I encourage you to visit this garden during this year of its 25th anniversary. The Seattle Chinese Garden is off to a bit of a slow start, with just 1 courtyard completed. But it is now open for visitors. The arboretum there has always been worth seeing.
