
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tea & Trilliums

Tamias townsendii April 17, 2010

Pseudotrillium rivale April 17, 2010

Trillium grandiflorum April 17, 2010

Trillium kurabayashii April 17, 2010

I was invited to the Tea & Trilliums event in exchange for opening my garden to the Hardy Plant Society of Washington & the Northwest Rock Garden Society in August.  I am not a member of either group, but I want to see more of their gardens.  Even though I love Trilliums, my favorite was the chipmunk.


  1. I think I'll just have to agree here, the trilliums are beautiful, but the chipmunk is really cute. I don't think I've seen a chipmunk for years.

  2. Ohhhhh, I wish I'd had time to go. I'm glad you got to see all those lovelies, and the chipmunk made the trip even more worthwhile! A very bold one climbed on my foot this summer up on Hurricane Ridge, hoping to scoop up a dropped sandwich crumb.

  3. oh my...a real chipmunk...we don't have those...we have possums...very cute indeed...great plant shots...keep up the good work...always a pleasure to see nice photographs on blogs...

  4. gosh i really like the leaf of the trillium - great colour

  5. Thinking of investing in my first Trillium this year

  6. The thing I learned about Trilliums is that they love a moist garden. I can grow them in shade in my dry garden. But mine are very small compared to those I saw on the tour.

  7. Beautiful pictures and lovely garden. I like the cute chipmunk too.
