
Friday, April 29, 2011

The Western Washington Native Garden

Aquilegia formosa in Colman Park May 2010

Cornus canadensis at the Bellevue Botanical Garden March 2010

Spiraea douglasii in Discovery Park June 2010

Lysichiton americanum at the Bellevue Botanical Garden March 2010

Physocarpus capitatus in Carkeek Park June 2010

Rubus spectabilis in Madrona Park April 2010

 Trillium ovatum in Madrona Park April 2010

Here is a fairly extensive list of western Washington native plants.  This is probably most useful for people who are serious about making a native garden, a worthy goal.  Those who want to add a few common native plants to their garden might find it easier to consult the shorter list in the post, Western Washington Native Plants in the Cascadia Garden.  I recommend native plants because they are likely to succeed here where they have evolved.  Native plants often require no irrigation & little maintenance.  But you may find some of these plants are hard to find, or difficult to grow.  I’ve had no luck at all with Dodecatheon (Shooting Star).  In fact, I'm sure many of these plants would not do well in my very dry garden.  You would be wise to research the conditions these plants need before acquiring any of them.  There are plants here for both sun & shade.  Plants that require a wet environment are noted.  Many of the perennials are adapted to grow under trees.  But there are also perennials from meadows & forest clearings.  I have not listed native grasses because I have found many of them to be invasive: they do much too well here.  For a rich & satisfying native garden, include as many of these plants as possible.  Most nurseries in Seattle stock native plants.  A nursery that sells only native plants is Go Natives!  You can also find native plants at the Washington Native Plant Society plant sales.  Check their website for dates.  For information about native plants I highly recommend Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast by Pojar & MacKinnon.

The Washington Native Garden Plant List
Abies amabilis (Silver Fir) Abies grandis (Grand Fir): sun
Acer circinatum (Vine Maple) Acer macrophyllum (Bigleaf Maple): sun or shade
Alnus rubra (Red Alder): sun
Arbutus menziesii (Madrona): sun
Betula papyrifera (Paper Birch): sun
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Alaskan Cedar): sun
Crataegus douglasii (Black Hawthorne): sun
Picea sitchensis (Sitka Spruce): sun
Pinus contorta var. contorta (Shore Pine) Pinus monticola (Western White Pine) Pinus ponderosa (Ponderosa Pine): sun
Quercus garryana (Garry Oak): sun or shade
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas Fir): sun
Taxus brevifolia (Western Yew): sun or shade
Thuja plicata (Western Red Cedar):sun or shade
Tsuga heterophylla (Western Hemlock): sun or shade

Amelanchier alnifolia (Serviceberry): sun
Arctostaphylos columbiana (Hairy Manzanita): sun
Ceanothus sanguineus (Buckbrush) Ceanothus velutinus (Snowbrush): sun
Gaultheria shallon (Salal): sun or shade
Holodiscus discolor (Oceanspray): sun or shade
Juniperus communis (Common Juniper): sun
Lonicera involucrata (Black Twinberry): sun or shade
Mahonia aquifolium (Oregon Grape) Mahonia nervosa, Mahonia repens: sun or shade
Oemleria cerasiformis (Indian Plum): shade
Philadelphus lewisii (Mock Orange): sun
Physocarpus capitatus (Ninebark): sun or shade
Rhododendron macrophyllum: shade
Ribes sanguineum (Flowering Currant): sun or shade
Rosa gymnocarpa (Baldhip Rose) Rosa nutkana (Nootka Rose): sun
Rubus parviflorus (Thimbleberry): sun Rubus spectabilis (Salmonberry): sun or shade
Sambucus caerulea (Blue Elderberry) Sambucus racemosa (Red Elderberry): sun or shade
Spiraea douglasii: sun
Symphoricarpos albus (Common Snowberry): sun or shade
Vaccinium membranaceum (Black Huckleberry) Vaccinium ovatum (Evergreen Huckleberry) Vaccinium parvifolium (Red Huckleberry): shade
Viburnum edule (Highbush Cranberry): sun or shade

Achillea millefolium: sun
Achlys triphylla (Vanilla Leaf): shade
Adiantum aleuticum (Maidenhair Fern): shade
Allium cernuum (Nodding Onion): sun
Anaphalis margaritacea (Pearly Everlasting): sun
Aquilegia formosa (Red Columbine): sun
Armeria maritima (Thrift): sun
Aruncus dioicus (Goat's Beard): shade
Aster modestus, Aster subspicatus: sun
Athyrium filix-femina: shade
Blechnum spicant (Deer Fern): shade
Brodiaea coronaria (Harvest Brodiaea) Brodiaea hyacinthina (Fool’s Onion): sun
Camassia leichtlinii, Camassia quamash (Camas): sun
Campanula rotundifolia (Common Harebell): sun
Clintonia uniflora (Queen’s Cup): shade
Corydalis scouleri: shade
Dicentra formosa (Bleeding Heart): shade
Disporum hookeri (Hooker’s Fairybells): shade
Dodecatheon pulchellum (Shooting Star): sun
Erigeron speciosus (Showy Fleabane): sun
Eriophyllum lanatum (Oregon Sunshine): sun
Erythronium grandiflorum (Yellow Glacier Lily) Erythronium oregonum (Fawn Lily): sun or shade
Fritillaria lanceolata (Chocolate Lily): sun
Helenium autumnale (Sneezeweed): sun
Heuchera glabra, Heuchera micrantha (Alum Root): shade
Iris tenax (Oregon Iris): sun
Leucanthemum vulgare (Oxeye Daisy): sun
Lewisia columbiana: sun
Lilium columbianum (Tiger Lily): sun
Luina hypoleuca: sun
Lupinus polycarpus, Lupinus polyphyllus (Lupine): sun
Lysichiton americanum (Skunk Cabbage): sun or shade & wet
Mimulus guttatus, Mimulus moschatus, Mimulus lewisii (Monkey Flower): sun & wet
Mitella pentandra (Mitrewort): shade
Petasites palmatus (Coltsfoot): sun or shade & wet
Penstemon cardwellii, Penstemon davidsonii, Penstemon serrulatus (Beard-tongue): sun
Polystichum munitum (Sword Fern): shade
Prunella vulgaris (Self-heal): sun
Sisyrinchium californicum (Yellow-eyed Grass): sun or shade
Smilacina racemosa, Smilacina stellata (False Solomon’s Seal): shade
Solidago canadensis (Canada Goldenrod): sun
Tellima grandiflora (Fringecup): shade
Tiarella trifoliata (Foamflower): shade
Tolmiea menziesii (Piggyback Plant): shade
Trillium ovatum (Wakerobin): shade
Vancouveria hexandra (Inside-out Flower): shade
Veratrum viride (Corn Lily): sun or shade & wet
Viola adunca (Blue Violet): sun, Viola sempervirens (Evergreen Violet): shade
Woodwardia fimbriata (Chain Fern): shade
Xerophyllum tenax (Bear Grass): sun
Zigadenis venenosus (Death Camas): sun

Groundcovers & Trailers
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Kinnikinnick): sun
Asarum caudatum (Wild Ginger): shade
Cornus canadensis (Bunchberry): shade
Fragaria vesca (Woodland Strawberry): sun or shade
Gymnocarpium dryopteris (Oak Fern): shade
Linnaea borealis (Twinflower): shade
Lonicera ciliosa (Orange Honeysuckle): sun or shade
Maianthemum dilatatum (False Lily of the Valley): shade
Oxalis oregana (Redwood Sorrel): shade
Polypodium glycyrrhiza (Licorice Fern): shade
Sedum divergens, Sedum oreganum, Sedum spathulifolium (Stonecrop): sun


Bulbs of North America with Jane McGary, Editor
Gardening with Native Plants of the Pacific Northwest by Arthur R Kruckeberg
Lewisias by B LeRoy Davidson
Northwest Penstemons by Dee Strickler
Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast by Pojar & MacKinnon

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Volunteer Park Conservatory

Seasonal Display House April 2011

Seasonal Display House April 2011

 Cactus House April 2011

Cactus House April 2011

Bromeliad House April 2011

Fern House April 2011

Fern House April 2011

The Volunteer Park Conservatory is a welcome respite from the cold Seattle rain. It is open except on Mondays, even on holidays, from 10 to 4. The conservatory has 5 houses, each quite different. There are bromeliad, palm, fern, seasonal display & cactus houses.  It is hard to say which is most interesting. I think Volunteer Park is the greatest park in Seattle.  Not only is the park beautiful, but it has a number of first-rate attractions including the conservatory, the Seattle Asian Art Museum, Isamu Noguchi's Black Sun & the panoramic view from the Water Tower.  The park is easily reached from Downtown Seattle by the 10 Capitol Hill bus, which stops at the park.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Cascadia Garden Complete Plant List

Abies balsamea ‘Nana’ (Dwarf Balsam Fir) gift of Bob Jarvis 1995
Acanthus syriacus from Arrowhead Alpines 2004

Acer circinatum (Vine Maple) from Phantom Lake 1961-65
A circinatum x palmatum self-sown, replanted 1992
A palmatum (Japanese Maple) seedling found on Capitol Hill 1997
A p ‘Orido Nishiki’ from Earlington Nursery 1992

Achillea clavennae from Wells Medina Nursery 2006
A ‘Terracotta’ from Minter’s Earlington Nursery 2010

Achlys triphylla (Vanilla Leaf) from Hitt Hill 1996
Aconitum napellus (Monkshood)
Adiantum aleuticum (Maidenhair Fern)
Aegopodium podagraria ‘Variegatum’ (Bishop’s Weed)

Agapanthus campanulatus (Lily of the Nile) gift 1994, FlorAbundance Sale 2010
A ‘Midnight Blue’ from McClure & Zimmerman 2007
A ‘Peter Pan’ 2000
A ‘Storm Cloud’ from Vibrant Plants 2002

Agave bracteata from YuccaDo Nursery 2005
A parryi var. huachucensis from Yucca Do Nursery 2004
A toumeyana var. bella from High Country Gardens 2006, 2007, 2009

Ajuga reptans ‘Black Scallop’ from T&L 2010
A r ‘Bronze Carpet’ 1995
A r ‘Bronze Beauty’ from Lowe’s 2007
A r ‘Royalty’ from City People’s Garden Store 2007

Alchemilla mollis ‘Select’ from Lee Farm @ NPA Sale 2010

Allium (Ornamental Onion)
Allium aflatunense from John Scheepers, Inc 2000  
A cernuum from Bear Creek Nursery 2002
A cristophii from John Scheepers, Inc 1997
A giganteum from John Scheepers, Inc 1995
A ‘Globemaster’ from John Scheepers, Inc 1998
A karataviense from John Scheepers, Inc 1995
A neapolitanum from John Scheepers, Inc 1995
A nigrum gift of Surrey Tribble 2001
A schubertii from John Scheepers, Inc 2000
A senescens from A Plethora of Primula 2000
A tacquetii from NHS Fall Plant Sale 2002
A unifolium from City People’s Garden Store 2004

Amelanchier alnifolia (Western Service Berry) from Forest Farm 2006
Anemanthele lessonia (NZ Wind Grass) from Robinwood Nursery 2007
Anemone x hybrida (Japanese Anemone)

Anthemis biebersteiniana from High Country Gardens 2006
A tinctoria ‘Kelwayi’ from Wells Media Nursery 2010

Antirrhinum ‘Dulcinea’s Heart’ from High Country Gardens 2008
A sempervirens from Swanson’s Nursery 2010

Arbutus unedo (Strawberry Tree) 1994

Arctostaphylos (Manzanita)
Arctostaphylos x coloradoensis from High Country Gardens 2007
A columbiana (Hairy Manzanita) from NHS Plant Sale 2000
A densiflora ‘Howard McMinn’ (Vine Hill Manzanita) from Forest Farm 2006, 2008
A d x manzanita ‘Monica’ from Fairmeadow Nursery @ NHS Plant Sale 2006
A glandulosa ssp. glandulosa from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2009
A x media from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2004
A nevadensis (Pinemat Manzanita) from Forest Farm 2006
A nummularia (Glossyleaf Manzanita) from Forest Farm 2006
A ‘Pacific Mist’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2006
A uva-ursi (Kinnikinnick) from Homestead Nursery 1965
A u ‘Vancouver Jade’ from Wells Medina Nursery 1999
A u ‘Wood’s Red’ from Forest Farm 2006
A ‘White Lanterns’ from NHS sale 2009

Aruncus aesthusifolius from the NPA Plant Sale 2004, Wells Medina Nursery 2005
A dioicus (Goat’s Beard) 2003

Asarum caudatum from WNPS Plant Sale 2001, Botanica 2007
Asclepias speciosa from Wells Median Nursery 2010

Aster novae-angliae ‘Hella Lacy’ 1994
A ‘Henry I’ from McLendon's Hardware 2010

Astilbe x arendsii ‘Deutchland’ (Ostrich Plume)
A x a ‘Rheinland’

Athyrium cyclosorum (Lady Fern)
A niponicum ‘Pictum’ (Japanese Painted Fern) from Wells Medina Nursery 2005

Azara microphylla from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2006

Bergenia ‘Pink Dragonfly’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2009
B purpurascens from Woodside Gardens 1998

Berberis thunbergii ‘Crimson Pygmy’  from Wells Medina Nursery 1997
B t ‘Helmond Pillar’ from Swanson’s Nursery 2003

Betula pendula (European Birch) self-sown 1975

Blechnum penna-marina from Hardy Fern Society Sale 2000, City People’s Garden Store 2008
B spicant (Deer Fern) from Phantom Lake 1961-65, Lowe’s 2007

Brachyglottis munroi from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2004, 2010
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ from City People’s Garden Store 2008

Callicarpa bodinieri (Beauty Berry) from Wells Medina Nursery 1997

Callistemon (Bottlebrush)
Callistemon pallidus from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2005
C rigidus from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2004
C sieberi from Coldsprings Garden Nursery 2007
C subulatus from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2000
C viridiflorus from NPA Plant Sale 2008, City People’s Garden Store  2010

Calluna vulgaris ‘Firefly’ (Heather) from City People’s Garden Store 1999, T&L 2010
C v ‘Kerstin’ from T&L Nursery 2010
C v ‘Larissa’ from T&L Nursery 2010
C v ‘Wickwar Flame’ from City People’s Garden Store 2005

Camassia leichlinii 'Caerulea' (Camas) from Madrona Nursery 2001
C quamash from City People’s Nursery 2007
C q ‘Blue Melody’ from Van Bourgondien 2006

Camellia japonica (‘Jupiter’?) established before 1961

Campanula (Bellflower)
Campanula carpatica appeared 2007
C persicifolia ‘Telham Beauty’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2010
C poscharskyana (Serbian Bellflower) 1995
C portenschlagiana from Wells Medina Nursery 2010
C rotundifolia ‘Olympica’ (Olympic Bellflower) 2002

Carex tenuiculmis ‘Cappucino’ McClendon’s 2010
Cassinia x Ozothamnus from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2006

Ceanothus arboreus ‘Trewithen Blue’ from Joy Creek Nursery 2005
C ‘Concha’ from the Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2010
C gloriosus exaltatus ‘Emily Brown’  from Joy Creek Nursery 2007
C ‘Joyce Coulter’ from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2009
C thyrsiflorus ‘Skylark’ from the Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2004
C ‘Victoria’ from Wells Medina Nursery 1997

Cedrus deodara from Vibrant Plants 2003
Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Fastigiata’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2007
Cerastium tomentosum from Minter’s Earlington Nursery 2010
Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’ (Honeywort) from City People’s & NPA seed exchange 2010

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Port Orford Cedar) from seeds self-sown, the oldest 1965
C l ‘Blue Surprise’ from Swanson’s Nursery 2003
C l ‘Gymbornii’ from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2009
C l ‘Lutea Nana’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2004
C l ‘Somerset’ from Swanson’s Nursery 2006
C l ‘Wissel’s Saguaro’  from West Seattle Nursery 2008
C nootkatensis ‘Glauca Compacta’ from Forest Farm 2008
C obtusa ‘Nana Gracilis’ (Dwarf Hinoki Cypress) from Wells Medina Nursery 1992
C o ‘Nana Lutea’  from Wells Medina Nursery 1992
C o ‘Templehof’ from Wells Medina Nursery 1998

Chionodoxa luciliae (Glory of the Snow) from John Scheepers Inc 1994
Cimicifuga ramosa ‘Hillside Black Beauty’ from Joy Creek Nursery 2004
Cistus albidus from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2009

Clematis armandii (Evergreen Clematis) 1997
C integrifolia ‘Caerulea’ from Swanson’s Nursery 2004
C i ‘Hanajima’ from Christianson’s Nursery 2006
C texensis ‘Etoile Rose’from Lowe’s 2003
C viticella ‘Kermesina’ from Joy Creek Nursery 2004

Comarostaphylis diversifolia (Summer Holly) seed from Theodore Payne Foundation 2005

Cornus mas (Cornelian Cherry) from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2006
C canadensis from T & L Nursery 2010

Corydalis cava from Swanson’s Nursery 2003
Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’ (Contorted Hazel) from Mizuki Nursery 1985
Crambe maritima (Sea Kale) from Swanson’s Nursery 2003

Crocosmia ‘Corwin’s Brilliant’ 2001
C ‘Emberglow’ 2001
C ‘Lucifer’ 1999

Crocus biflorus ‘Purity’  from John Scheepers, Inc 1998
C chrysanthus ‘Advance’ from John Scheepers, Inc 2005
C c ‘Blue Pearl’  from John Scheepers, Inc 1993
C c ‘Fuscotinctus’  from Swanson’s Nursery 2004
C kotschyanus from McClure & Zimmerman 2005
C ochroleucus from McClure & Zimmerman 2005
C sativus from McClure & Zimmerman 2005
C sieberi ‘Firefly’ from Van Engelen, Inc 2001
C tommasinianus from John Scheepers, Inc 2002
C t ‘Ruby Giant’  from Van Engelen, Inc 2001
C vernus ‘Vanguard’ from Swanson’s Nursery 2004

Cryptomeria japonica ‘Tansu’ from West Seattle Nursery 2007

Cupressus arizonica glabra ‘Blue Ice’ (Arizona Cypress) from West Seattle Nursery 2005
C bakeri (Modoc Cypress) from Forest Farm 2005

Cyclamen coum from Swanson’s Nursery 2004, Botanica 2011
Cynara cardunculus from Wells Medina Nursery 2010

Daboecia cantabrica ‘Rainbow’ (Irish Heath) from Heaths & Heathers 2004
Daphniphyllum macropodum var. himalayense from Heronswood Nursery 2001
Darmera peltata ‘Nana’ from Coldsprings Garden Nursery 2007
Deinanthe caerulea ‘Blue Wonder’ from Minter’s Earlington Nursery 2005
Delosperma congestum (Yellow) from West Seattle Nursery 2007

Dicentra formosa (Pacific Bleeding Heart) from Phantom Lake 1961-65
D spectabilis (Common Bleeding Heart) 2000

Digitalis (Foxglove)
Digitalis dubia from City People’s Garden Store 2010
D lutea from seed, Thompson & Morgan 1993
D obscura from NPA seed exchange 2004, Swanson’s 2010
D parviflora from Joy Creek Nursery 2004
D purpurea from Phantom Lake 1961-65
D ‘Spanish Peaks’ from City People’s 2010
D trojana from Wells Medina Nursery 2003

Drimys lanceolata from Wells Medina Nursery 2007
Dryopteris erythrosora (Autumn Fern) 2001

Echinocereus reichenbachii var. albispinus from High Country Gardens 2005
Enkianthus campanulatus from Mizuki Nursery 1997
Epimedium pinnatum ssp. colchicum from West Seattle Nursery 2007

Erica (Heath)
Erica arborea ‘Estrella Gold’ (Tree Heath) from Heaths & Heathers 1999
E a var. alpina from Heaths & Heathers 2011
E australis ‘Holehird’ (Spanish Heath) from Heaths & Heathers 2004
E x darleyensis ‘Goldrush’ from T&L 2010
E x d ‘Mary Ellen’ from Ground Effects Nursery 2007
E x griffithsii ‘Heaven Scent’ from Heaths & Heathers 2011
E manipuliflora ‘Korcula’ from Heaths & Heathers 2004
E terminalis Florabundance Sale 2010

Erigeron (Fleabane)
Erigeron ‘Blue Beauty’ from City People’s Garden Store 2008
E glaucus (Beach Aster) from Wells Medina Nursery 2004
E g ‘Albus’ from Flower World 2008
E g ‘Sea Breeze’ (pink) from Lowe’s 2007
E karvinskianus (Santa Barbara Daisy) from seeds of a plant at Piriformis Nursery 2002
E ‘Prosperity’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2005

Eriophyllum lanatum (Oregon Sunshine) from Go Natives! 2009

Eryngium amethystinum from Wells Medina Nursery 2005
E bourgatii from Botanica, Wells Medina Nursery 2004
E planum 1997 and subsequent seedlings
E variifolium 2002

Erythronium dens-canis from Far Reaches Farm @ Northwest Garden Show 2007
E oregonum  from Wells Medina Nursery 1998
E tuolumnense from Wells Medina Nursery 2005

Eucalyptus moorei from Steamboat Island Nursery @ NHS Fall Sale 2005

Eucomis (Pineapple Lily)
Eucomis comosa from City People’s Garden Store 2004
E c ‘Can Can’ from B&D Lilies @ Northwest Garden Show 2007
E c ‘Oakhurst’ from Joy Creek Nursery 2007
E c ‘Tugela Jade’ from B&D Lilies @ Northwest Garden Show 2007
E c ‘Tugela Ruby’ from B&D Lilies @ Northwest Garden Show 2007 

Euphorbia (Spurge)
Euphorbia amygdaloides ‘Purpurea’ from T&L Nursery 2002 & subsequent seedlings
E characias wulfenii from City People’s Garden Store 2009
E ‘Copton Ash’ from City People’s Garden Store 2010
E cyparissias ‘Orange Man’ from Ravenna Gardens 2005
E dulcis ‘Chameleon’ & subsequent seedlings
E myrsinites from Wells Media Nursery 2003, 2004 & subsequent seedlings
E nicaeensis from Joy Creek Nursery 2005
E rigida from Piriformis Nursery 2001, City People’s Garden Store 2004 & subsequent seedlings
Festuca idahoensis seed from Theodore Payne Foundation 2005
F ovina ‘Elijah Blue’ from Bob’s Red Apple 2008, City People’s 2010, McLendon 2010
F ovina ‘Golden Toupee’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2004

Forsythia ‘Fiesta’ 2003

Fragaria chiloensis (Sand Strawberry) from Crystal Mountainn 2000
F frel ‘Pink Panda’
F vesca (Woodland Strawberry) from Phantom Lake 1961-65
Galtonia candicans (Summer Hyacinth) from McClure & Zimmerman 2005

Gaultheria nummularioides from Heronswood Nursery 2002
G procumbens (Wintergreen) from Swanson's Nursery 2010
G shallon (Salal) from Phantom Lake 1961-65

Gaura lindheimeri

Geranium (Cranesbill)
Geranium ‘Brookside’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2006
G cantabrigiense from West Seattle Nursery 2004
G himalayense 2000
G ‘Johnson’s Blue’ 2002
G orientalitibeticum 2000
G phaeum, black form (Mourning Widow) 2001
G p hungaricum (Purple-Black) 2001
G p ‘Lily Lovell’ (Violet) 2001
G p lividum ‘Joan Baker’ (Pink-Violet) 2001
G sanguineum  2000

Ginkgo biloba from seed collected at the Seoul Royal Palace by Mary Jackson 1999
Gladiolus ‘Atom’ gift of McClure & Zimmerman 2007
Graptoveria ‘Vera Higgins’ from Yucca Do Nursery 2007
Gymnocarpium dryopteris (Oak Fern) from near Mt Baker 1998
Hacquetia epipactis from Black Dog Plants 2004

Hakonechloa macra from Bear Creek Nursery 2004
H m ‘Albo Striata’ 2002
H m ‘Albo Variegata’ from Bear Creek Nursery 2004
H m ‘Aureola’ from Bear Creek Nursery 2004
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Pallida’ (Witch Hazel) from Swanson’s Nursery 1996

Hebe cupressoides from FlorAbundance Plant Sale 2007
H glaucophylla from T&L 2010 @ McLendon's
H ‘Hinerua’ from T&L 2010 @ McLendon's
H ochracea from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2004, 2009, City People’s 2009
H x pimeleoides from Wells Medina Nursery 2004
H x p ‘Quicksilver’ from City People’s Garden Store 2005
H pinguifolia ‘Pagei’ from Ground Effects Nursery 2007
H recurva from Wells Medina Nursery 2004, City People’s 2008, Minter’s 2010
H ‘Red Edge’ from the Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2004, T&L 2009
H salicifolia from City People’s Garden Store 2005, 2010
H ‘Tapawera’ from NHS donations 2008
H topiaria from City People’s Garden Store 2009

Helenium autumnale from Minter’s 2010

Helichrysum splendidum from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2009
H tianshanicum from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2009
Helleborus argutifolius from Botanica @ NHS Fall Plant Sale 2004
H x hybridus from various sources including Elfie Rahr
H x h ‘Blue Lady’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2004
H x h ‘Red Lady’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2004
H lividus from Heronswood Nursery 2004
H l ‘Pink Marble’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2009
H x sternii from City People’s Nursery 2003, 2004
Hemerocallis (Daylily)
Hemerocallis ‘Bela Lugosa’ (Dark Purple) from Roots & Rhizomes 2004
H ‘Hyperion’ (Fragrant, Yellow) from Bear Creek Nursery 2002
H ‘Java Sea’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2006
H ‘Stella d’Oro’ (Dwarf Golden) 1998
H ‘Tijuana’ (Red) 1995
Hepatica americana from Botanica 2004, Arrowhead Alpines 2005, Botanica 2007
H nobilis gift of Marian Raitz 2004, from Arboretum Foundation donations 2010, Botanica 2011

Heuchera (Alumroot)
Heuchera americana ‘Bronze Beacon’  from Wells Medina Nursery 2003
H a  Dale’s Strain’  from Wells Medina Nursery 2003, 2005, McLendon's 2010 
H a ‘Dolce Licorice’ from McLendon's 2010
H a ‘Green Spice’ from Minter's Earlington Nursery 2004, City People’s Garden Store 2007
H a ‘Plum Pudding’ from Swanson’s Nursery 2007
H a ‘Purple Petticoats’ from City People’s Garden Store 2010
H a ‘Silver Scrolls’ Florabundance Sale 2010, McLendon's 2010
H a ‘Velvet Night’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2005
H micrantha from WNPS Plant Sale 2001
H m ‘Palace Purple’ from City People’s Nursery 2004, Wells Medina Nursery 2008

Hirpicium armerioides armerioides from High Country Gardens 2007
Homoglossum watsonium x Gladiolus tristis (Homoglad) from FlorAbundance 2000

Hyacinthus ‘City of Haarlem’ (Cream) from John Scheeper’s Nursery 2001
H ‘Lady Derby’ (Pink) from John Scheeper’s Nursery 2001

Hydrangea quercifolia from Christianson’s Nursery 2002
H q ‘Little Honey’ from Christianson’s Nursery 2004
H paniculata ‘Zwijnenburg’ from City People’s Garden Store 2004
H serrata ‘Beni Gaku’ from Christianson’s Nursery 2004
Hypericum  androsaemum 'Albury Purple' 1998 & subsequent seedlings
H cerastioides from Coldsprings Garden Nursery 2005
H ‘Hidcote’ from the Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2005
Iris bucharica (Juno) from John Scheepers Nursery 1996
I ‘Coral Chalice’ (TB, White & Coral) from Van Bourgondien Nursery 1998
Iris histrioides ‘Katharine Hodgkin’ from John Scheepers 1996
I ‘P.T. Barnum’ (TB, Tan & Wine) from Van Bourgondien Nursery 1998
I ‘Professor Blaauw’ (Dutch from I tingitana) from John Scheepers Nursery 1992
I sibirica from A Sacred Garden 2009
I s ‘Dreaming Spires’ from City People’s Nursery 2010
Pacific Coast Iris
I bracteata from Arrowhead Alpines 2004
I chrysophylla from Arrowhead Alpines 2004
I douglasiana 2001, from seeds collected in Pacifica by Fran Lazzarini 2003, Kubota Sale 2005
I d alba from NPA seed exchange (Lee Neff) 2004
I fernaldii from Arrowhead Alpines 2004
I hartwegii seed from SPCNI 2005
I macrosiphon from Arrowhead Alpines 2004
I ‘Pacific Coast Hybrids’  from seedlings grown by Tom Wilhite 1997
I purdyi  from Arrowhead Alpines 2004
I ‘Ruby Eyes’ seedlings by seed from SPCNI 2005
Jeffersonia diphylla from Fraser’s Thimble Farm 2004

Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’  2002
J communis ‘Compressa’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2003
J c ‘Green Carpet’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2009
J squamata ‘Loderi’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2007

Kniphofia (Torch Lily)
Kniphofia citrina from Wells Medina Nursery 2003
K ‘Cobra’ from City People’s Garden Store 2000
K ‘Little Maid’ Wind Poppy Farm & Nursery 2004, Wells Medina Nursery 2006
K ‘Nancy’s Red’ from McClure & Zimmerman 2007
K nelsonii & subsequent seedlings  from Joy Creek Nursery 2005
K ‘Percy’s Pride’ from City People’s Nursery 2005
K ‘Shining Scepter’from Wind Poppy Farm & Nursery @ City People’s Nursery 2006
K thompsonii var. thompsonii from Botanica 2004

Lamium  maculatum ‘Beacon Silver’  from Wells Medina Nursery 2004
L purpureum appeared 2005

Laurentia fluviatilis (Blue Star Creeper)
Lavandula stoechas ‘Spanish Quasti’ from Minter’s Earlington Nursery 2010

Lewisia columbiana from Swanson’s Nursery 2010
L cotyledon gift of Dale Hektner 2001, Wells Medina Nursery 2003, 2004
L leana from Mt Tahoma Nursery 2005, 2008
L ‘Little Peach’ from Minter’s Earlington Nursery 2010
L ‘Little Plum’ from the NHS Fall Plant Sale 2002

Liatris spicata (Gay Feather)

Ligularia dentata from Wells Medina Nursery 2005
L stenocephala ‘The Rocket’ 1997

Lilium (Lily)
Lilium auratum from Van Bourgondien Nursery 1999
L ‘Black Beauty’ from The Lily Garden 2002
L ‘Blackjack’ from The Lily Garden 2005
L canadense from Far Reaches Farm @ the Seattle Garden Show 2007
L columbianum from City People’s Nursery 2007
L ‘Montana’ gift of Lucille Stripling 1994
L pardalinum from Botanica 2005
L regale from John Scheepers, Inc 1996
L r ‘Album’ from John Scheepers, Inc 1996
L ‘White Henryi’ gift of The Lily Garden 2004

Linnea borealis (Twinflower) from Phantom Lake 1961-65

Liriope muscari (Big Blue Lily Turf)
L spicata ‘Majestic’ (Creeping Lily Turf)

Lithocarpus densiflorus echinoides (Dwarf Tanbark Oak) from the RSG Plant Sale 2000
Lobelia tupa from Botanica 1998
Luzula piperi (Wood Rush) from Pacific Beach 2000
Lychnis coronaria from Minter’s Earlington Nursery 2010

Magnolia ashei from Gossler Farms Nursery 2004
M ‘Susan’ from Gossler Farms Nursery 2004
M stellata ‘Centennial’ from Gossler Farms Nursery 2004

Mahonia aquifolium (Oregon Grape) from Phantom Lake 1961-65
M bealei from Wells Medina Nursery 1999
M gracilipes from Heronswood Nursery 2002
M mairei from Heronswood Nursery 2002
M nervosa from Phantom Lake 1961-65
M pinnata ‘Ken Hartman’ from the Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2004
M repens from Springtime Greenhouse 2004

Maianthemum dilatatum (False Lily of the Valley) from Phantom Lake 1961-65
Maihuenia poeppigii (Chilean Andes) from Kerston’s Nursery @ NHS Fall Sale 2005
Malus domestica ‘Gravenstein’/‘Transparent’ from Homestead Nursery 1963
Microbiota decussata (Carpet Cypress) from RSG Nursery 2001, 2009
Milium effusum ‘Aureum’  (Golden Millet Grass) from NPA seed exchange 2010
Muscari latifolium (Grape Hyacinth) from Swanson’s Nursery 2004
Myosotis sylvatica (Forget-Me-Not) existed in 1961
Myrsine africana gift of Walt Bubelis 2007

Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil)
Narcissus ‘Baby Moon’ from John Scheepers, Inc 2005
N ‘Beersheba’ (N pseudonarcissus 1923) from Old House Gardens 2004
N bulbocodium ‘Golden Bells’ (Hoop Petticoat) from John Scheeper’s, Inc 1998
N ‘Hawera’ from John Scheepers, Inc 2005
N ‘Itzim’ from John Scheepers, Inc 2004
N ‘Jenny’ from John Scheepers, Inc 2005
N jonquilla from McClure & Zimmerman 2005
N ‘King Alfred’ (N pseudonarcissus major 1890) from Van Engelen, Inc 2001
N ‘Limbo’ from John Scheepers, Inc 2004
N ‘Little Gem’ from John Scheepers, Inc 2005
N minor conspicuus from McClure & Zimmerman 2005
N ‘Mite’ (N pseudonarcissus obvallaris x cyclamineus 1965) from Coldsprings Garden Nursery @ the NPA Spring Plant Sale 2005
N nanus ‘Little Beauty’ (1965) from Swanson’s Nursery 2004
N x odorus ‘Single Campernelle’ from McClure & Zimmerman 2005
N ‘Pipit’ from John Scheepers, Inc 1995
N poeticus ‘Actaea’ (1927)  from John Scheeper’s, Inc
N pseudonarcissus from John Scheepers, Inc 2005
N p ‘Princeps’ (1830) from Old House Gardens 2004
N ‘Seagull’ (1893) from Old House Gardens 2004
N ‘Small Talk’ from John Scheepers, Inc 2005
N ‘Tete-a-Tete’ (N cyclamineus x tazetta 1949) from Lowe’s 2000
N ‘Thalia’ (N triandrus x ? 1916) from Van Engelen, Inc 2001
N triandrus ‘Ice Wings’ from John Scheeper’s, Inc 1998
N ‘W P Milner’ (N pseudonarcissus moschatus 1884) from Wells Medina Nursery 2004

Nectaroscordum siculum 2006
Neillia affinis from Forest Farm 2008
Nerine bowdenii from the Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2004

Oenothera versicolor ‘Lemon Sunset’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2004

Olearia x hastii from NPA sale 2010
O moschata from the Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2010

Ornithogalum umbellatum 1970
Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ (Black Mondo Grass) gift of Surrey Tribble 2001
Osmunda regalis (Regal Fern) from Hardy Fern Society Sale 2000
Oxalis oregana (Redwood Sorrel) from Hoh River campground 1964

Paeonia (Peony)
Paeonia corsica (P cambessedesii) from NPA seed exchange (Marion Raitz) 2002
P ‘Do Tell’ from Jung Seed & Nursery 2006
P ‘Flame’ (P lactiflora x peregrina) from Caprice Nursery 1996
P mascula (P daurica?) from Heronswood Nursery 2004, Botanica 2007, 2008
P mascula x obovata from the NPA Plant Sale 2004
P ‘Mischief’ from Jung Seed & Nursery 2006
P ‘Nippon Beauty’ from Jung Seed & Nursery 2006
P officinalis var. banatica from Botanica 2007
P o ‘Rubra Plena’ from Van Bourgondien’s Nursery 2001
P suffruticosa from Caprice Nursery 1997, Classic Nursery 2001
P s ‘Renkaku’ from Van Bourgondien 2006
P s ‘Yoshinogawa’ (The Yoshino River) from Van Bourgondien’s Nursery 2003
P s ‘Zi Er Giao’ (Purple Two Sisters)  from Holly Park Nursery 2004
P ‘Sword Dance’ from Christiansen’s Nursery 2007
P tenuifolia from Botanica 2004
P veitchii var. woodwardii from Heronswood Nursery 2004, Botanica 2008

Panicum virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’ (Switch Grass) from Piriformis Nursery 2000, T & L 2010

Penstemon (Beardtongue)
Penstemon  x mexicali ‘Pike’s Peak Purple’ from High Country Gardens 2008
P x mexicali ‘Red Rocks’ from High Country Gardens 2004. 2008
P x mexicali ‘Sunburst Ruby’ from City People’s Nursery 2008
P pinifolius from High Country Gardens 2004
P serrulatus & subsequent seedlings from Botanica 2001

Philadelphus lewisii (Western Mock Orange)
Phlomis italica Florabundance Sale 2010
Physalis alkekengi (Chinese Lantern) gift 1987
Picea abies ‘Nidiformis’ (Nest Spruce) from Wells Medina Nursery 1992 & 1999

Pieris japonica established & quite aged before 1961
P j ‘Bisbee Dwarf’ from NHS Fall Plant Sale 1996
P j ‘Variegata’ from Vibrant Plants 2002

Pinus (Pine)
Pinus bungeana (Lacebark Pine) from Forest Farm 2008
P edulis (Pinyon) from Forest Farm 2005
P kwangtungensis from Terra Nursery @ NHS Plant Sale 2006
P leucodermis (Bosnian Pine) from Forest Farm 2006
P monticola (Western White Pine) from WNPS plant sale 2002
P patula (Jelecote Pine) from Forest Farm 2008
P peuce (Macedonian Pine) from Forest Farm 2008
P ponderosa (Ponderosa Pine) from seed given at an Idaho ranger station 1997
P tabulaeformis from Forest Farm 2008

Pleioblastus viridistriatus from Clinton Bamboo Growers 2002

Podocarpus alpinus ‘Red Tip’ (Alpine Totara) from City People’s Nursery 2005
P macrophyllus from Florabundance Plant Sale 2007

Polygonatum verticillatum ‘Rubrum’ from Far Reaches Farm 2007
Polypodium glycyrrhiza (Licorice Fern) from behind Tukwila office building 1990

Polystichum munitum (Western Sword Fern) from Phantom Lake 1961-65
P polyblepharum (Japanese Lace Fern) from City People’s 2010
P setiferum (Soft Shield Fern) from Fancy Fronds Nursery 2001

Primula auricula from A Plethora of Primula 2009, Minter’s 2010
P ‘Dorothy’ (yellow) from NPA sale 2009, 2010
P elatior (yellow) from NPA sale 2008
P japonica ‘Red Candelabra’ from NPA sale 2010
P x juliana ‘Wanda’ (dark pink) gift of Woodside Gardens 1998
P kisoana (pink) from NPA sale 2008
Prunus domestica

Quercus gambelii (Gambel Oak) from Forest Farm 2005
Q garryana (Garry Oak) from Forest Farm 2005
Q kelloggii (California Black Oak) from Forest Farm 2008
Q sadleriana (Deer Oak) from Forest Farm 2005

Rehmannia elata from Wells Medina Nursery 2010

Rhododendron ‘Anna Rose Whitney’ (unidentified)
R ‘Antoon van Welie’ (pink)
R ‘Betty Robertson’
R ‘Blue Peter’ (lavender w/purple splotch)
R bureavii from the Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2004
R bureavioides from the Rhododendron Species Garden 2008
R campylogynum ‘Celsum’ from Rhododendron Species Garden 2004
R cinnabarinum ssp. xanthocodon (yellow) from Rhododendron Species Garden 2000
R ‘Cynthia’ (dark pink early)
R decorum from Rhododendron Species Garden 2007
R falconeri ssp eximium from Rhododendron Species Garden @ NHS Plant Sale 2006
R forrestii from Rhododendron Species Garden 2005
R ‘Jean Marie de Montague’ (scarlet)
R ‘Lee’s Dark Purple’
R macabeanum from Rhododendron Species Garden 2007
R macrophyllum
R mollis (yellow)
R ‘Mrs. Charles Pearson’ (unidentified)
R occidentale from Go Natives! 2007
R orbiculare from Rhododendron Species Garden 2007
R pachysanthum from the Rhododendron Species Garden 2008
R ‘Pink Pearl’ (pink) existed in 1961
R ‘Purple Splendour’ (purple w/dark purple splotch)
R roxieanum from Rhododendron Species Garden 2007
R ‘Sappho’ (white w/purple splotch)
R venator (red tubular bells) from Rhododendron Species Garden 2000
R williamsianum from RSG 2009
R wiltonii x bureavii from Shugman’s Nursery 2001
R ‘Yaku Princess’ (light pink) from Wells Medina Nursery 1997

Ribes (Currant)
Ribes x gordonianum  from Joy Creek Nursery 2005
R nevadense (Pink Mountain Currant) from Forest Farm 2006
R sanguineum (Red Flowering Currant) from Phantom Lake & subsequent seedlings 1961-65
R s ‘Pokey’s Pink’ from Swanson’s Nursery 1999
R s ‘White Icicle’  from Joy Creek Nursery 2005

Rosa glauca (Blue Foliage) from Wayside Gardens 1997
R rugosa ‘Blanc Double de Coubert’ (White) from Wayside Gardens 1993
R r ‘Hansa’ (Red) from Earlington Nuraery 2007
R ‘Queen Elizabeth’ (Pink) 1970

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Tuscan Blue’ from Fred Meyer 2010
Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’ from City People’s Garden Store 2010
Ruschia sp. ex Tiffandell, South Africa from Yucca Do Nursery 2007

Sanguinaria canadensis ‘Multiplex’ (Bloodroot) from the Chase Garden 2004
Saruma henryi from Botanica @ NHS Fall Sale 2005, from Far Reaches Farm 2007
Saxegothaea conspicua (Prince Albert Yew) from Forest Farm 2005
Scilla peruviana from City People’s Garden Store 2005
Scrophularia macrantha from City People’s Garden Store 2010
Sedoveria from Yucca Do Nursery 2007

Sedum (Stonecrop)
Sedum aizoon ‘Euphorbioides’ (Siberia) from West Seattle Nursery 2005
S anacampseros (Europe) from Bear Creek Nursery 2002
S ‘Bertram Andreson’
S dasyphyllum (Europe) from Wells Medina Nursery 2005
S divergens (coastal northwestern US) from WNPS plant sale 2002
S forsterianum (W Europe) from the Japanese Tea Garden, Seattle 1994
S grisebachii (Greece & Bulgaria) from West Seattle Nursery 2005
S gypsicola (Iberia & N Africa) from Wells Medina Nursery 2005
S kamtschaticum (coastal east Asia)
S ‘Matrona’
S middendorfianum ‘Striatum’ from Wells Medina Nursery 2008
S ‘Mohrchen’
S obtusatum (Sierra Nevada & Klamath Mtns) from Mt Tahoma Nursery 2004
S oreganum (Coast Ranges) from WNPS plant sale 2002
S oregonense (Oregon Cascades) gift of Mt Tahoma Nursery 2004
S palmeri (Mexico) from Yucca Do Nursery 2007
S selskianum (Amur River)  from Wells Medina Nursery 2005
S sexangulare (central Europe)
S spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’
S s ‘Mauve Chalk’ from West Seattle Nursery 2005
S s purdyi from West Seattle Nursery 2007
S s ‘Purpureum’
S spectabile ‘Brilliant’ (Korea)
S stenopetalum (W North Armerica) from West Seattle Nursery 2005
S telephium ruprechtii (European Russia) from Wells Medina Nursery 2004
S ‘Vera Jameson’

Sequoia sempervirens (Coast Redwood) seed from The Thomas Payne Foundation 1994
Sequoiadendron giganteum (Giant Sequoia) from Mizuki Nursery 1999
Sisyrinchium californicum (Yellow-eyed Grass) from Holly Park Nursery 1993

Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon’s Seal) from Classic Nursery 2001
S stellata from Forest Flor Recovery Nursery 2002 & gift of Marian Raitz 2004

Sorbus ‘Birgitta’ (S aucuparia x commixta) from the Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2004
S forrestii from Forest Farm Nursery 2005
S gonggashanica from NHS Fall Plant Sale 2000

Stachys byzantina (Lamb’s Ears)
S chrysantha from City People’s Garden Store 2010
S densiflora ‘Alba’ from City People’s Garden Store 2010
S ‘Hidalgo’ from City People’s Garden Store 2010

Styrax redivivus (California Snowbell) from Forest Farm 2005

Syringa meyeri ‘Palibin’ (Korean Lilac) from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2001
S patula ‘Miss Kim’ from Swanson’s Nursery 2005
S vulgaris (Common Lilac)

Tanacetum ‘Beth Chatto’ from City People’s Garden Store 2010
Tellima grandiflora (Fringe Cup) from NPA seed exchange (Bob Lilly) 2001

Thuja (Arborvitae, Cedar)
Thuja koraiensis (Korean Arborvitae) from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2001
T occidentalis ‘Globosa Rhindiana’ from Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2001
T o ‘Sun Gold’ from Kubota Gardens Plant Sale 2007
T o ‘Yellow Ribbon’ from Vibrant Plants 2002
T plicata (Western Red Cedar) from seedlings collected in the garden of Gail Jackson 1995-99
T standishii (Japanese Arborvitae) from Forest Farm 2005

Thujopsis dolabrata ‘Nana’ (Dwarf Deerhorn Cedar) from Wells Medina Nursery 1992

Thymus pseudolanuginosis (Woolly Thyme)
T serpyllum ‘Elfin’ from T&L 2010 
T vulgaris ‘Argentius’ from T&L 2010

Tsuga heterophylla (Western Hemlock) from Copper Creek 1993

Trillium (Wakerobin, Toadshade)
Trillium chloropetalum var. giganteum rubrum from Botanica 2007
T cuneatum from Arrowhead Alpines 2004
T luteum from Sundquist Nursery, Arrowhead Alpines 2004, 2005, NPA Plant Sale 2007
T ovatum  from Phantom Lake 1961-65
T sessile (red-brown) from Wells Medina Nursery 2003, 2007, Sundquist Nursery 2007
T s, yellow form from City People’s Garden Store 2003

Tritelia laxa ‘Queen Fabiola’ from John Scheepers, Inc 2005
Tsuga canadensis (Western Hemlock) from Pacific Beach 2000

Tulipa (Tulip)
Tulipa batalinii ‘Apricot Jewel’ from John Scheepers, Inc 1995
T clusiana var. chrysantha from John Scheepers, Inc 2005
T dasystemon from John Scheepers, Inc 1995
T eichleri from McClure & Zimmerman 2005
T humilis ‘Persian Pearl’ from John Scheepers, Inc 1995
T kaufmanniana from John Scheepers, Inc 1995
T kolpakowskiana from John Scheepers, Inc 2005
T linifolia from John Scheepers, Inc 2005
T ‘Little Princess’ from John Scheepers, Inc 1995
T orphanidea ‘Flava’ from John Scheepers, Inc 2004
T praestans ‘Zwanenburg’ from McClure & Zimmerman 2005
T saxatilis from John Scheepers, Inc 2005
T turkestanica from John Scheepers, Inc 2004
T vvendenskyi ‘Tangerine Beauty’ from McClure & Zimmerman 2005

Ugni molinae from Heronswood Nursery 2002

Vaccinium angustifolium (Mountain Blueberry) from Classic Nursery 2001
V moupinense from the Pat Calvert Greenhouse 2004
V ovatum (Evergreen Huckleberry) from Pacific Beach 1999
V parvifolium (Red Huckleberry) from Pacific Beach 1999
V vitus-minus (Lingonberry)

Verbena bonariensis

Veronica pectinata from High Country Gardens 2005
V spicata ‘Royal Candles’ from Swanson’s 2010

Viburnum sargentii ‘Onondaga’ from D Avenue Nursery 2003

Vitis vinifera ‘Delaware’ (Red) from Chubby & Tubby Nursery 1972
V v ‘Interlaken’ (Green) from Chubby & Tubby Nursery 1972
V v ‘Purpurea’ from Heronswood Nursery 2004

Weigela coraeensis established before 1961
W florida ‘Variegata’ from Wayside Gardens 1994
W ‘Rubidor’ 2001

Yucca gloriosa ‘Bright Star’ from Lumber Jack Farms @ City People’s Nursery 2006
Y harrimaniae from Kerston’s Nursery @ NHS Fall Sale 2005
Y kanabensis from Far Reaches Farm 2008
Y nana (Y harrimaniae var. harrimaniae) from High Country Gardens 2007, 2009
Y neomexicana from Far Reaches Farm 2008
Y schottii from Florabundance 2009

Zauchneria californica from West Seattle Nursery 2005
Zauschneria latifolia var. etteri from High Country Gardens 2007

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bloedel Reserve: The Glen in April

 Eythronium & Primula April 2011
Oxalis April 2011

Pulmonaria April 2011

Trillium April 2011

Trillium April 2011

On the third weekend in April 2011, the Bloedel Reserve in Bainbridge Island, Washington near Seattle, hosted it's very first Premier Plant Sale & Open House.  Admission was free both days.  Much of the Reserve's 150 acres is forested.  The floor of the shaded Glen is covered with woodland perennials.  In April this was an amazing sight.  Great numbers of Anemone, Brunnera, Dicentra, Erythronium, Omphalodes, Primula, Pulmonaria & Trillium bloomed amid a carpet of Oxalis.  According to the website, 'Dozens of rhododendron species thrive in the Glen under the protection of second-growth forest. Thousands of perennials, bulbs and wildflowers bloom among the rhododendrons, including one of the largest cyclamen plantings in the world. The Bloedel Reserve was created by Prentice Bloedel and his wife, Virginia, who resided on the property from 1951 until 1986.'

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tulipa in the Cascadia Garden

Tulipa vvendenskyi 'Tangerine Beauty' March 2010

Tulipa turkestanica March 2009

Tulipa 'Golden Apeldoorn' April 2010

Tulipa 'Little Princess' April 2010

 Tulipa batalinii ‘Apricot Jewel’ May 2009

I think tulips are beautiful, almost all of them.  I have a particular fondness for species tulips.  Perhaps this is because they are small & cute.  But it is certainly because they have more staying power than hybrids.  While almost every hybrid tulip I have planted has dwindled & disappeared, many species tulips have increased in numbers.  The only hybrid tulip that has lasted for me is Tulipa 'Golden Apeldoorn' which has remained for more than 20 years.  Tulipa dasystemon & Tulipa turkestanica have increased dramatically, while most of the rest have expanded slowly.  I have lost a few species tulips after their position changed from sun to shade.  The fact that tulips require no irrigation is a big plus.  Tulipa turkestanica is a very early bloomer.  Most tulips are native to Turkey & central Asia, with few extending west into Europe in the Caucasus, Balkans & Crete.  I ordered my tulips from John Scheepers, Inc. & McClure & Zimmerman. The most beautiful book I own is Tulipa: A Photographer's Botanical.  The list below includes bloom times.

List of Tulipa in the Cascadia Garden (with bloom times)
Tulipa batalinii ‘Apricot Jewel’  4-22-10, 5-03-09
Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha  3-26-09, 4-15-08
Tulipa dasystemon  3-26-10, 4-16-09 4-18-08
Tulipa eichleri  3-01-10, 3-26-09
Tulipa 'Golden Apeldoorn'  4-04-10, 4-17-09
Tulipa humilis ‘Persian Pearl’
Tulipa kaufmanniana
Tulipa kolpakowskiana  3-16-08
Tulipa linifolia  4-29-08
Tulipa ‘Little Princess’  4-03-10, 4-20-09, 4-21-08
Tulipa orphanidea ‘Flava’  4-20-09, 4-15-08
Tulipa praestans ‘Zwanenburg’  3-26-10, 4-09-09, 3-30-08
Tulipa saxatilis
Tulipa turkestanica  2-21-10, 3-17-09, 3-6-08
Tulipa vvedenskyi ‘Tangerine Beauty’  4-16-09, 4-15-08